Thursday 20 October 2011

"WORDS ARE UNRELIABLE" Project with Silke Dettmers

Xu Bing said that words are unreliable, and this is also our first project for the ma course. We had an amazing workshop by Silke Dettmers last week. In the class, she gave us a sentence "You make me feel so safe, Jessica", and showed some examples related to how the words exchange and how unreliable words are. Through the discussion with Silke, she gave me a lot of suggestions which are very useful for me to extend my ideas. She let me to run the idea, just do it and don't be hesitant.

I started my interview today. I tried my best to find suited people to ask my questions,  but the process was very very difficult than my expectation. Because a lot of people accept to answer questions but don't like to be taken vedio. Even through the process was a little bit difficult,  I still got some shot records about some interviewees' spontaneous answer.  In a word, this is my first vedio and it's also the first project in london. I felt very interesting and stimulating today, and ths...tobias and zoe````my dear friends```

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