Monday 7 May 2012

The ideas and sketch of my final show

I have done a lot of models for the development of my main peoject. Some of them I showed here, and some of them I did not showed in the blog. All the models were the process of the test and they were very helpful to extend the ideas. However, I want to develop the “building” one to carry on my final show in the future work.

There are two different ways that I try to test for realizing the models into a real space. The first idea is to draw the illustration of the buildings in a large papaer which about the size “2m*10m”. The roll of the papaer could be exhibited like the sketch. It can be seen that viewers can enter the large installation to feel the effect. In addition, another idea is to show the images of the buildings by projectors. There are some photos for testing, I am going to extend and develop the idea with more practices.

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