Monday, 20 February 2012

Essay Outline for Tutorial with Jane Madsen

The interaction between graphic language and the participation of audience

The research question:
How participation art and modern graphic design interact with each other?

Communication /   participation /   planar graph /  audience / 

1.      Original graphic design is a type of language used for communicating. You use it to tell someone about something that they want, or that you think they want, or that someone else thinks they want. As a result, it is a way for transmitting information and it is often designed as planar form, such as book, poster and photograph.
2.      In contemporary art, a lot of artists combine graphic design with participation art. They focus on the participation of audience and the communication between their work and audience.

View Point:
1.      Connecting audience’s participation with an artwork is an interactive way to express artist’s concept.
2.      Using the planar graphs into participative work is a way to make graphic work to be visual and spatial.
3.      Experience and communication are to be more and more important in a visual work.

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